Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hitler s Suicide Or Escape Cover Up - 1487 Words

Vincent Edmunds English 7 Ms. Jones 16 May 2017 Hitler: Suicide or Escape cover-up? World War II was the deadliest and most far reaching war to date. There were 30 countries involved and more than 50 million deaths, military and civilian. The war began after a man named Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. The war lasted 6 long years (World War II). Adolf Hitler was the head of the Nazi Party and Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, ruling as a dictator (World War II). During his rise to power and his time as Chancellor, Hitler focused on spreading hate and propaganda against the Jewish Race (World War II). He also passed antisemtic laws (World War II). All of this lead to the Genocide, which was the killing of millions†¦show more content†¦Another eyewitness was Admiral Doenitz, a war general, in the Germany army. He was on the other side of the bunker, when Hitler allegedly killed himself. The Admiral, who also heard screaming, went to Hitler’s Quarters and found Hitler dead. Many allege that the Adm iral was covering for Hitler to give Hitler time to escape (Matthews). Our last witness was Hans Buer, Hitler’s personal pilot. He was allegedly in the room when Hitler killed himself. Buer stated that Adolf Hitler shook his hand, said goodbye, and then shot himself. Before he could be questioned, the Red Cross took him offsite (Matthews). When questioned later, Hans seemed unsure that it was Hitler who died since Hitler had up to eight look alike doubles. He speculated it was one of them and that Hitler escaped that day (Matthews). Topic 2 Our second area of controversy surrounding Hitler’s death is the autopsy findings and the autopsy report. Prior to his suicide, Hitler ordered that the bunker be burned down upon his death (Conspiracy Theories from Conspiracies). The fire destroyed everything but a few bone fragments. All that was found was a piece of a jawbone and a piece of skull with a bullet hole in it (Conspiracy Theories from In 1945, there was no such thing as DNA testing. So, determining that the bone fragments were Hitler’s were solely based on the eyewitness accounts that Hitler shot himself and that one of the fragments had a bullet holeShow MoreRelated The Berlin Wall Essay examples1530 Words   |  7 PagesHitler committed suicide in 1945, swiftly making an end to any resistance against the Allied powers in World War II. The Axis powers soon surrendered and negotiations began over the fate of Europe. Germany took the blame for most of the wartime tragedy, but even with their varying agendas, the Allied powers were hesitant to act harshly against the Germans. They feared an uprising of retaliation such as the Third Reich regime that had begun the workings for World War II. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie The Concrete Jungle - 1525 Words

Bob Dylan once said New York was a city where you could freeze to death in the midst of a busy street and no one would notice. The concrete jungle is rough, harsh, dirty and dangerous; yet my parents believed it to be fanciful and beautiful, a place where my brother and I could make all of our dreams come true. It was a typical Thursday evening, the wind was blowing, the neighbors were playing loud salsa music downstairs and the garbage men were outside talking about pay day and banging the garbage cans together. Mommy was working late, Dad probably on the A-train on his routinely long ride back home from work, and my brother Josh a few blocks down at his friend Joseph’s house – probably playing video games or causing havoc somewhere. Having the house to myself meant freedom and ultimate peace. I had Usher’s Confessions album on blast, indulging in some delicious junk food, engrossed by Fresh Prince of Belair episode re runs; all while sitting on the computer cha ir in the living room surfing the web with nothing but panties and one of my Dad’s old T-shirts on. The 2000’s were some of the best years of my life. I had more CD’s and VHS cassettes than anyone on the block and it was the era of some of the best music and TV shows of mankind. The only downfall though was that using the internet at that time wasn’t as easy as it is today. Having Dial up Internet connection didn’t allow the luxury of using the internet and phone at the same time; but since I was home alone, I didn’tShow MoreRelatedFull Metal Jacket Film Analysis1767 Words   |  8 PagesFilm Analysis Within every man resides good and evil; which quality manifests itself is determined by how one is raised and views the world. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Role of the Registered Nurse in keeping Children Safe †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Role of the Registered Nurse in keeping Children Safe. Answer: Role of Registered Nurse The role of a registered nurse is crucial to provide necessary care and protection to children in a manner that maximises a childs opportunity to grow in a safe and steady environment. In the current times when there is immense concern for child abuse, the role of the professionals for protecting children and infants has received overwhelming attention. The nurses and midwives play a distinct role in combating the child maltreatment by focusing on some of the most crucial risk factors and strengthening the vital protective elements related to child abuse and neglect. The ability of healthcare professionals and acceptance of responsibility forms a crucial part that ensures that a child is in a safe and healthy environment (Ball, Bindler Cowen, 2013). Nursing practice standards In order to encourage the regulated nurses about most suitable child protection model, relevant education is imparted to these members of the healthcare set-up which includes relevant standards and principles relating to the relevant content in the curriculum so that the desired teaching and learning outcome are achieved. The particular standards act as the framework that ensures that all the protective factors are developed and a resilient surrounding is set-up and basically revolve around child-cantered services, effective and safe model, leadership and governance, application of resources, workforce and information. The relation-based model focuses on the proper designing and development of a strong collaborative professional bond between the child, parents and the nurse (Hunter Price-Robertson, 2014). There is need for the application of the most appropriate intervention tools so that all the risk elements relating to child abuse and social reasons of heath, reporting and referral processes, inter-professional and interpersonal communication, knowledge on relevant support services can be used to understand the human rights of a child. It is vital to follow best practices, effective strategies and clinical reasoning so that the scenario relating to children is efficiently managed. Legal requirements The legal framework that governs the service that relates to the protection and welfare of children states that specific care and protection must be given while taking all kinds of actions and decisions relating to the wellbeing of children. The decision maker in form of the registered nurse must make decisions while regarding the best interests of the child since that is of paramount importance (James, Nelson Ashwill, 2014). In case a child is being abused in any form i.e. either physically or emotionally, then it is vital for the healthcare professionals to take relevant responsibility by reporting the situation so that the childs condition and situation is improved and he grows in a healthy and positive environment. The minimum license requirements and other guidelines relating to the safe operations of childcare settings need to be met so that the children are offered the best kind of environment for growing (McKinney et al., 2017). Healthcare sXettings where nurses work with children and families The healthcare settings have been designed in such a way so that the welfare of the children is promoted. The objective of the specially designed healthcare setting is to protect children from the risk of any kind of harm (Pietrantonio et al., 2013). The healthcare settings where nurses work with children and families have been designed so as to provide the most suitable environment where the child can grow and develop as a respectable individual. The setting takes into account child-centred issues so that the human rights of the children are respected and they are supported and nurtured in order to optimize their development and overall wellbeing as individual beings (Wolfe et al., 2013). The setting also takes into consideration the family and environmental scenario so that the families are also nurtured and supported in the process to ensure the wellbeing of the child. The cultural aspects are given due importance so that the prevailing political, social and historical aspects of the family are not neglected in any way. The primary objective of the professional healthcare setting is to make sure that the best nursing procedures, care and treatment are followed so that the child is given best form of protection (Steven et al., 2014). The objective expands to removing hazards in form of medications, laboratory chemicals, supplies, etc so that child grows in a safe environment. Thus the role of the registered network in this healthcare setup is crucial since the professional can ensure that a child has all the necessary requirements that would help him to sustain in a positive environment (World Health Organization, 2015). Conclusion The significance of the role of a registered nurse in the healthcare scenario can never be negated when it comes to the safety of a child. Since in Australia, a large number of children are under the State care, the vitality of healthcare professionals has grown over time. In order to ensure the safety of children in the healthcare scenario, the type and quality of service provided to them is very essential since it would determine their overall wellbeing as individuals. The need for providing quality service has never been more since today a number of internal as well as external elements come into play that put children in unsafe situations. It is the duty of the registered nurse to ensure that children grow up in best possible environment. References Ball, J.W., Bindler, R.C. and Cowen, K.J., 2013. Child health nursing. Prentice Hall. Hunter, C. and Price-Robertson, R., 2014. The good practice guide to Child Aware Approaches: Keeping children safe and well. James, S.R., Nelson, K. and Ashwill, J., 2014. Nursing Care of Children-E-Book: Principles and Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. McKinney, E.S., James, S.R., Murray, S.S., Nelson, K. and Ashwill, J., 2017. Maternal-Child Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Pietrantonio, A.M., Wright, E., Gibson, K.N., Alldred, T., Jacobson, D. and Niec, A., 2013. Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect: Crafting a positive process for health professionals and caregivers. Child abuse neglect, 37(2), pp.102-109. Steven, A., Magnusson, C., Smith, P. and Pearson, P.H., 2014. Patient safety in nursing education: contexts, tensions and feeling safe to learn. Nurse education today, 34(2), pp.277-284. World Health Organization, 2015. Health Worker Role in Providing Safe Abortion Care and Post Abortion Contraception. World Health Organization. Wolfe, I., Thompson, M., Gill, P., Tamburlini, G., Blair, M., Van Den Bruel, A., Ehrich, J., Pettoello-Mantovani, M., Janson, S., Karanikolos, M. and McKee, M., 2013. Health services for children in western Europe. The Lancet, 381(9873), pp.1224-1234.